
How LMS is Responding to COVID-19

As the world works to contain the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, our team at LMS Building Systems is adapting to this rapidly evolving situation, implementing safety measures, and taking care of each other, our partners and our clients. We have implemented steps in an effort to protect our clients and the people who work, play and heal in the facilities where we provide services and systems.

Our Critical Products and Infrastructure Services

Our business is largely categorized as “critical” by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. We heat, cool, ventilate and service essential spaces like hospitals, pharmacies, nursing homes, banks, food service, supermarkets, emergency services, construction and much more. These functions are essential for the health and safety of Las Vegas’ community, especially in this time of global emergency.

Our team is working hard to support the infrastructure that people around the world rely upon. LMS is very much open and operating, but we will not compromise our staff or our clients’ health and safety. We are following all guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and country health departments.

Our Actions

We are doing all we can to make sure we continue our critical work, while safeguarding the health and safety of our employees and our customers.

  • Business critical local visits to our customer sites by account managers or technicians are continuing, in line with our safety protocols as well as yours. We are also leveraging virtual and remote service capabilities as needed.
  • To inhibit the spread of the virus, we have prohibited all travel to and from high-risk areas outlined by the CDC, and have restricted all other non-essential travel. Where possible, we have asked our team members to hold customer and partner meetings virtually. Any associate who can work from home is encouraged to do so.
  • We require that all employees, whether working from home, in the field or office, to provide their temperatures to stay in the forefront of health.
  • Technicians are performing daily health self-assessments before entering facilities.
  • Like many companies, we have implemented new visitor policies at our office.
  • We are implementing additional safety measures at all facilities in line with guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and country health departments, including enhanced cleaning procedures and screenings, personal protective equipment usage and guidance, and communications on hand washing and other preventive measures.
  • We have flexible work arrangements in place for employees who can work from home.

We’re Here to Help

The situation continues to evolve quickly, and we remain committed to supporting our people, our clients and partners during this unprecedented time. We are prepared to lead our clients through the ever-changing circumstances as it relates to their facilities and building projects.

The best way to stay in contact with us is through your account manager, who can discuss your specific situation. In addition to new and existing projects or services, please reach out to us in any of the following categories as needed:

  • How to operate facilities more efficiently with vacant spaces
  • Available options for remote service and monitoring to avoid additional bodies in a building
  • Answers to questions about air quality and ventilation solutions
  • Temporary and rental solutions for new or expanded healthcare operations

We will keep you informed as the situation evolves.


Thank you for your continued trust in LMS.